If you’re still waiting for your download, or you want to see what all the fuss is about before hand, then check out the video below, and you’ll see just how amazing Ocarina of Time would look in a modern game engine and running on a decent gaming PC. While this isn’t a full game recreation project, CryZENx is working on releasing various maps from within the Zelda universe, building them in Unreal Engine 4 and dialing up those lovely graphics settings along the way, leading to some spectacular results.

Talented modder CryZENx has recreated the iconic Death Mountain Crater from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, as part of his ongoing experimental project based around Zelda Ocarina of Time, and he’s doing it all in the glorious Unreal Engine 4. Why are you even reading this, quickly go and download it here (732.18MB) as it’s never that long before the Nintendo suits step in with a cease and desist to shut these projects down! Is it downloading yet? OK, let’s continue reading while you wait.